Master and Servant
Sorry for being late. I’m still getting used to #$%$#@!! Daylight Savings. I’ll set the alarm tomorrow.
There are 603 days to the mid terms and the GOP Fakakte is four days away. Krasnov doesn’t want to admit that his dumber-than-shit economic mischoices are now headed into a manufactured recession that didn’t have to happen. In the same way that he could have made himself a real multi-billionair without having to play with the smoke and mirrors of crypto had he just stuck the inheritance he received from daddy in a well-managed market fund and left it alone, he could have been claiming a great Krasnov Economy if he had just gone out on the golf course seven days a week and left things alone. But the Drooling Moron Convinced He’s A
Very Stable Genius had to go out in both cases intending to prove that he was t hat Stable Genius, only to prove he could fuck up a wet dream by bankrupting two casinos and getting ready to do the same thing to the country he thinks he’s leading. No, you little Putin’s Punk, what’s coming isn’t a “correction” on the road to True Wealth And Success. You’ve managed to drive the ship of state onto the rocks, and everyone is going to hold you responsible no matter how hard you try to duck and dodge. I’ll close the opener with the news that a recent poll has 75% of Canadians saying they no longer view us as a trusted ally and friend. Think on that. It only took Krasnov six weeks to put us in the shitter.
From the Department of Two Putzes Walk Into A Bar: Marco Rubio and Elmo set aside their bad blood on Sunday to demand a “thank you” from Poland for the satellite internet services the billionaire’s Starlink provides to the Ukrainian army. In a post that demonstrates just what a Fuckheaded Moron he really is, Elmo posted the following on Xitter (That’s pronounced “Shitter”): “I literally challenged Putin to one on one physical combat over Ukraine and my Starlink system is the backbone of the Ukrainian army. Their entire front line would collapse if I turned it off. What I am sickened by is years of slaughter in a stalemate that Ukraine will inevitably lose. Anyone who really cares, really thinks and really understands wants the meat grinder to stop.” Polish Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski saw the post as a threat and replied: “Starlinks for Ukraine are paid for by the Polish Digitization Ministry at the cost of about $50 million per year. The ethics of threatening the victim of aggression apart, if SpaceX proves to be an unreliable provider we will be forced to look for other suppliers.” BeforeElmo could replyu, Widdle Marco was quick in the breach, accusing Sikorski of “just making things up.” “No one has made any threats about cutting Ukraine off from Starlink. And say thank you because without Starlink Ukraine would have lost this war long ago and Russians would be on the border with Poland right now.” Sikorski then backed down, thanking Widdle Marco “for confirming that the brave soldiers of Ukraine can count on the vital internet service provided jointly by the U.S. and Poland.” The reincarnation of Grover Dill then came back with: “Be quiet, small man. You pay a tiny fraction of the cost. And there is no substitute for Starlink.” In response to many who had seen his original post as a threat to stab Ukraine in the back, he posted: “To be extremely clear, no matter how much I disagree with the Ukraine policy, Starlink will never turn off its terminals. “I am simply stating that, without Starlink, the Ukrainian lines would collapse, as the Russians can jam all other communications! We would never do such a thing or use it as a bargaining chip.” God I wish those kids had found this South African Putz back school and thrown him out the upper story window like they wanted to.
From the Department of First We Kill All The Lawyers: A reminder, Shakespeare’s famous phrase was spoken by Doick the Butcher, right hand man to Jack Cade, leader of a rebellion against the English monarchy in Henry VI, Part 2; he wanted to kill all the lawyers because they defended the Rule of Law which was blocking him. That situation exists today. After writing separate executive orders attempting to wreck two law firms for representing Jack Smith and Democrats in 2016 by removing the security clearances of the attorneys and blocking access to federal property to the firms (as in federal courts among others), canceling contracts and ordering no business be transacted by government agencies with the firms, Jack Cade, er, I mean Krasnov, went on Maria Bartiromo’s Faux Snooze show Sunday Morning and declared, “We have a lot of law firms that we’re going to be going after, because they were very dishonest people. They were very, very dishonest. We have a lot of law firms that we’re going to be going after.” Justice John Paul Stevens noted in a 1985 dissent, “As a careful reading of that text will reveal, Shakespeare insightfully realized that disposing of lawyers is a step in the direction of a totalitarian form of government.” This. Fight. Is. Existential. It. Is. Him. Or. Us.
From the Department of These GOP Scum Are Fucking Scum: Al Green commited the crime of Lese Magiste last Tuesday - or at least he did in the eyes of the Unreconstructed Confederates aka the House Fweedumb Kawkus. The Fweedumberers are once again doing their thing of throwing gasoline on every fire. The ever-moronic Eli Crane is the guilty party here, putting a motion to strip Green’s committee assignments. Democrats are trying to force the resolution to be privileged, meaning it has to be voted on in two days. The GOP “leadership” would like it to go away because they think at least five R’s would vote against stripping Green of his committee assignments, which would mean the Democrats would defeat the motion. The Fweedumberers are opening a can of worms that House Republican leaders don’t want to go near. Democrats will go to war on this one. If I was Lauren Boobbert or Marjorie Traitor Green, I’d vote against this out of self-preservation, because when the majority changes in 2026, they will have targets on their backs for expulsion.
From the Department of Things Get Darker: Last week, Todd Blanche, Krasnov’s lead defense attorney in his New York criminal trial, was confirmed and sworn in as Deputy Attorney General, the second-ranking official in the Department of (In)Justice. Emil Bove, who has served as acting Deputy Attorney General (and Krasnov’s chief henchman and enforcer) for the last month, is now the Principal Associate Deputy Attorney General (“PADAG”), another position of wide-ranging authority in the Department. Back in 2020, when Krasnov was running the Stop The Steal scam, he put in a call to top DOJ officials, “Just say the election was corrupt and leave the rest to me and the Republican congressmen.” From Barr on down, the DOJ refused. So what happens when he loses in 2028 and runs the same scam, with this DOJ of sycophants?
From the Department of This Is Where We’re At: MAGA Mike will put the Continuing Resolution to fund the government through next year on the House floor tomorrow. There is every likelihood that - this time - the Fweedumberer’s who would normally vote against this will vote in favor after being strongarmed by Krasnov over the past week, which would mean it would squeak through with just enough votes. A CR funds the government in accordance with the top-line numbers from the most recent actjhual budget that passed, in this case the Biden 2022 budget. But there is no input from Congressional committees detailing how that money is to be spent. This leaves everything to the tender mercies of the Krasnov & Elmo Show. And it leaves Democrats with nothing they can cite as a controlling authority in a lawsuit over the crimes those two will commit. If this passes the House, that collection of clucks in the Senate Democratic Caucus are going to have to step up and hold a filibuster, no matter what nasty things Republicans will say to the go-along-to-get-alongers in the Vichy Democrat Caucus (looking at you both Colorado alleged-Democratic Senators, among others). If you have a Democratic Senator, call their office and tell them it’s time to Stand For Something.
From the Department of Corporal Couchfucker Is A Blithering Fool: Over the weekend, Justa Douchebag Vance once again became involved with some protesters who don’t like the way he sold out Ukraine to kiss KGB ass. And then he went on twitter and lied about how scary and mean they were to him and his kid. He complained that the protesters had followed him with the intent to scare his 3-year old daughter. Sadly for Corporal Couchfucker, there were several people filming what actually happened. No one yelled at his kid or followed them. This pudgy little disgrace to the Corps is even worse than I expected him to be.
I’ll close the bad news with this:
From the Department of The Market Is Telling The Truth: The Dow Jones fell 900 points today while the NASDAQ composite was down 4.2 percent and the S&P 500 index was down 2.9 percent. All in reaction to Krasnov’s statement that a recession would be a good thing and lead to a better economy. All three major indexes are now below their levels on Nov. 5, 2024, the day of Krasnov’s reelection, which set off a major stock market rally. He has also rattled markets and business leaders with constantly shifting tariffs on Mexican, Canadian and Chinese products.
Here’s good news for the day:
From the Department of When Your First Cousin Calls You A Traitor, Jimmy D ,You Should Listen: After voluntarily fighting in Ukraine for three years volunteering as part of the Da Vinci Wolves first motorized battalion .to defend Ukrainefrom Russia’s invasion, and as the White House halts Ukrainian military aid, JD Vance’s first cousin Nate Vance has called the vice-president and Krasnov “useful idiots” to the Russian dictator, Putin. Speaking to Le Figaro, Nate Vance said: “Donald Trump and my cousin clearly believe they can placate Vladimir Putin. “They are wrong. The Russians are not about to forget our support for Ukraine. We are Vladimir Putin’s useful idiots.” He also called that scene in the White House on February 28 “an ambush of absolute bad faith,” adding, “I thought I was going to choke. His own cousin was on the frontlines. I could have told him the truth, without personal interest. He never tried to find out more.” He went on to say he has left messages for JD Vance but none have been returned. The cousins each also previously served in the Marines. Obviously, only one took his oath of enlistment seriously. He concluded saying, “Being your family doesn’t mean I’m going to accept you killing my comrades.”
From the Department of Fight Fascism Everywhere: (h/t BBC via Barry Friedman) Five months after the far-right Freedom Party (FPÖ) won Austria's general election, a three-way coalition looks set to exclude it from power. The conservative People's Party (ÖVP), the Social Democrats (SPÖ), and the liberal Neos say they have successfully completed negotiations to form a new administration - a record 151 days since the election was held in September. The Conservatives and Social Democrats finished second and third respectively - the Neos a distant fourth - to the Freedom Party last September. (H/t The Guardian): The pro-Kremlin, anti-Islam FPÖ won 29.2% of votes, beating the ruling ÖVP of the chancellor, Karl Nehammer, into second place on 26.5%, according to near-complete results. The opposition Social Democratic party scored its worst ever result – 21% – while the liberal NEOS drew about 9%. The FPÖ, incidentally, was founded in the 1950s by former Nazis.
Charlie Sykes posts doggie pix at the end of each daily post, and Joyce Vance posts chicken pix. With those distinguished examples, and the many requests here for Feline Friday, I am introducing a new editorial policy with today’s Poking Around. There is a Kitty shot here, and there will be one at the end of Poking Around posts proceeding on.
Comments are for paid subscribers.
Thank you for the cat pix. I need all the calming the f*ck down I can get!!
Thanks, Tom for continuing to tell the truth. I used to have a similar poster. I now have a sign on my door that says "Cats are Welcome, Humans are Tolerated"