On October 20, 1973, President Richard Nixon demanded the firing of Watergate special prosecutor Archibald Cox. Attorney General Elliot L. Richardson and Deputy Attorney General William B. Ruckelshaus resigned rather than do so. Solicitor General Robert Bork carried out Nixon’s order. It’s the “Saturday Night Massacre.” 48 years ago this week - time flies when you’re havin’ fun.
At the time, I thought we had arrived at the worst point we could get to in American politics. Those past 48 years have been a continual demonstration of the failure of my imagination.
I’ve been reading Little Steven’s memoir, “Unrequited Infatuations.” Highly recommended. He’s a very good writer - I mean, it’s just really nice to read - and he tells the foundational history of the E Street Band, as opposed to the myth. Among many other things. Best. Rock. Memoir.
Also lots of good stories about “The Sopranos.”
In case you weren’t aware, he’s highly political. I ran across an interview he did earlier this month with a Spanish newspaper, La Vanguardia. I must say, I pretty much agree with everything he says.
"My country is currently a disaster, it is experiencing the most dangerous situation within it since our civil war, that is, for 160 years. And we are getting dangerously close to another civil war, we are on the brink. It's a very frustrating situation right now, and next year's elections if we don't do something, can lead to an even worse outlook."
"It [the Biden administration] is better than what we had before, which was a satanic situation, but it is not good enough. Biden is a nice guy, but what we need right now is a warrior for us to fight in this war. We need someone to unite everyone because the bad guys are not going to let us unite.
"Right now we have a very weak government, which is letting the situation deteriorate every day in an alarming way."
"If you had told me some time ago that a single guy has been able to lead the United States to the situation we are experiencing now, I would never have believed you."
"A single fucking guy has turned the country upside down, society is divided and at odds. And that guy is threatening to come back, and the millions of Republicans who voted for him are more than happy."
Again, we’re watching the Republicans Just Do It, daring anyone to say or do anything about their shenanigans. Michael Steele was right earlier this week when he said that the Big Secret for how and why the Republicans do what they do is “They know they’ll get away with it, that the Democrats will wail and moan, but nothing will be done.”
Things like Senator Ted Cruz announcing that he will be formally delaying up to 40 of President Biden’s nominees by week’s end, but they won’t include former colleagues Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) and Tom Udall (D-N.M.) or Cindy McCain, the widow of Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.). Why? Because he wants the administration to blow up the Iran Deal. Again.
More aggressively, Senator Josh Hawley says he’ll try to block all of Biden’s diplomatic and defense nominees until Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin resign, an outcome that could charitably be described as unlikely.
They do these things because they know there will be no reckoning for it. And poking a sharp stick in the eyes of Duh Libz is the road to success in Upside-Down World, where the sky is green and the grass is blue.
Personally, I hope Dennis Prager dies of COVID-19, like the other five far right radio nutbags who have personally Made America Great Again over the past summer with their permanent departures. You’d think even drooling morons would finally Get It when they see their “heroes” die, but you would be wrong.
Pseudo-conservative radio hosts are now the Spinal Tap drummers of the pandemic.
Prager told his audience he has contracted COVID-19. He went on to tell them that he deliberately sought out the virus, in the belief it would confer on him “natural immunity” at little or no risk. “Getting COVID is what I hoped for the entire time. Hence, I engaged with strangers constantly, hugging them, taking photos, knowing I was making myself very susceptible to getting COVID.” He went on to proclaim that “It is infinitely preferable to have natural immunity than vaccine immunity.” Exactly why he wants to be “naturally immune” to something he claims isn’t really a problem is another of those logical conundrums these idiots don’t even see themselves tripping over.
Prager has publicly refused to take the vaccine, and says he’s sure the “therapeutics” will save him. Wait till he tastes Ivermectin. At 73, there’s a good chance he will die. Personally, I hope so. The old fuckwit in line ahead of me at the store the other day didn’t like it when I congratulated him on wearing his mask wrong, and expressed my hope he would soon die. I’m through being nice to those morons. Most of the Baby Boomers have been idiots since they were in kindergarten, at least most of the ones I’ve known. Yes, there are exceptions. Like this audience. But we really have been a minority of that great mass of moron stupidity all along. Just think back on the idiots you knew in high school, and know they never got smarter. You’ll see I am right (unfortunately - I really wish I wasn’t).
There’s a lot of things that have been made clear in the years since Old Blubberneck came riding down his golden escalator. The coronavirus pandemic has offered up the truth of the pathological nature of American pseudo-conservatism. Trump had the chance to tell the whole country what he told Bob Woodward 10 days into this, that it is airborne and “really nasty.” Of course, it therefore became a matter of loyalty for the mouth-breathers to support his claims that COVID was just the flu, that it would disappear quickly, and that the hysteria was being whipped up by his enemies in a plot to destroy his “beautiful economy.”
Prager’s progression from semi-literacy to full Culthead is the perfect picture of the whole damn bunch of them. In 2015, he was one of the “conservative intellectuals” (there’s an oxymoron!) who initially said Trump was “nasty and probably stupid, too,” that he was “unacceptable.” by 2016, he was “still better than Hillary Clinton.” By 2017, seeing which side his bread was buttered on as regards his audience (and therefore his income) he finally decided Trump was a “great president.” By 2020 he was faithfully following Trump’s party line, whatever it was.
In March 2020, he insisted COVID was “not a killer” and said he would only accept a lockdown if the death toll reached a “staggering” level, like 30,000. When that level was reached and exceeded four weeksd later, he moved the goal posts: “Even if it were 50,000, if it were 80,000, 100,000 — I mean, obviously there’s a certain point where you have to say the death numbers are so high we have no choice, but those are not the numbers.”
Somewhere last year, when the numbers were growing so fat it was hard for even people with brains to keep up, Prager jumped on the idea that contracting the virus was a positive good.
These people aren’t just deplorable, they’re despicable. And they are all, each one of them, irredeemable.
Let’s just remember that Old Blubberneck lost the election last year because of his failure on this issue. A study earlier this year by a researcher at UCLA concluded that implementation of robust efforts to halt the spread of the virus last spring, including widespread testing and mask mandates, could have kept the American death toll below 300,000 in total.
Yes indeed, my country is currently a disaster. If you had told me the day he came down the escalator that it would be this bad, I wouldn’t have believed it possible. And I knew if he won, it would be bad.
And there’s a good chance he’ll be back....
Paid subscribers are encouraged to tell me I am wrong on this.
Hahahahahaha, TC. Unsubscribe? Ummmm, no. Sizzlin’ is what I say. Like bacon on the hot griddle. Sizzlin’, TC.
So much more to my liking than hand wringing and throwing in the towel before wetting it a bit and snapping someone right on their ignorant keisters.
I’m wondering how many people laughed out loud to hear the former promo his stupid, massively important social media launch that would eclipse all others “as long as no one criticizes me” and then it gets hacked in an hour.
Having insight as you do into morons and moronic behavior is a curse only, TC, in that our world will always have morons. However, may the one lesson be clear, we cannot afford to elect such a moron again. It is ridiculous how much effort is being put now into repairing the damage. I, too, would much prefer my time to resume traveling, writing, and building my own significant projects. But build and repair again our bruised democracy… yes, thank you very much, we will do so. I said the other day, I will call out every moron, every jerk in the grocery, stand by bravely every opinion I utter, roll my eyes, squirm with impatience, explain for the hundredth time why science lends itself to common sense, why love has no opposite….. because I know that we will get it done. It’s the conflicted way of being human. And quite frankly, while it may be easier and uncomfortably, cluelessly happy to be a sycophant and a moron, I am gloriously glad that I am not on that list this go round.
Certainly an historian such as yourself is not either.
'These people aren’t just deplorable, they’re despicable.' Thank you. I always though deplorable was far too kind.