In case you didn’t see it last night, here is Lawrence O’Donnell’s epic takedown of the over-educated, under-intelligent, otherwise-unemployable Ivy League trust fund babies of the D.C. Press Corpse and how they treated the terrified old man down in Florida yesterday. He even includes MSNBC among the malefactors - which they were.
The modern press corpse is another example of the situation Chris Hayes wrote about in his excellent “Twilight of the Elites,” which you should get and read. When I read it, his explanation of Why This Happened exactly fit the situation I had observed in Hollywood with the arrival of the Ivy League kool kidz and the phenomenon of “interns” who were essentially talentless, since they had no experience of actual life to give them anything to say as writers.
The “professionalization” of any line of work - screenwriting, news reporting for example - leads to the establishment of professional training schools - fillum skool and reporter skool. There, the would-be writers are taught by professional failures (anyone with any talent in the work being too busy working to waste their time becoming a member of acadamania). Being good little boyz and girlz, they learn to parrot back to the failure what he/she told them, and this is considered “professional knowledge.” Then they’re released into the wild with their Ivy League degrees and are snapped up for the “prestige” of their backgrounds by the “prestige” employers (the Sulzberger Sniper or the Bezos Bugle in print; the Cretin News Network and its ilk in broadcast).
Good reporters used to come to those places with experience at lower-level regional and local publications. If they were political reporters, they had learned that the way to tell if a politician was lying was to check if his lips were moving. The result was the Walter Cronkites and Dan Rathers and DavidHalberstams and Neil Sheehans and so many legendary other ones.
The Kidz now know nothing but what they learned from the Otherwise-Unemployables who taught their classes. The result is my conversation with Roger Corman in 1995, when I dropped over to Concorde and found the place filled with “interns” who were working for free and thus stealing the jobs of the Actually Talented. “So, who’s the next Robert Towne, the next James Cameron?” I asked him. Roger replied, “Beats me.”
The same thing happened in The Media, and thus we come to Lawrence’s excellent takedown of the talentless mediocrity of the over-educated, under-intelligent, otherwise-unemployables of the DC Press Corpse:
Lawrence O'Donnell "2016 all over again"
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I saw it last night. He nailed it. When he slammed those papers down I felt his anger and disgust. It was powerful. I just hope he doesn’t get fired for telling it like it is. He is the best!
I was thrilled when I watched his show last night and have been sharing the link to it around Facebook (on my page and in comments) and in comments on Substack. He was outstanding last night.