As I write, President Biden is giving a solid, serious answer to the last question in the press conference.
He has answered all questions with a masterful display of command of the subject, without notes.
His display tonight of “presidential capability” is one any of his predecessors would be proud to have done.
And a helluva lot more than the drooling moron the Press Corpse would claim to be his “equal.”
I am so sick of the Biden bashing!Goddam it he is our bridge to democracy.Getting someone else at this stage in the game is suicide.The $$ Biden has raised does not transfer over to a new nominee.Biden has Kamala and a super competent Cabinet.The task at hand is to take down Trumpism,Putism,authoritarianism,Nazi’ism, fascism,and all other enemies of democracy.The NYT,CNN,George Clooney and all of the other doubters and malcontents be damned.We The People have the strength in numbers and the will to prevail.
I'm ridin' with Biden.