I am currently experiencing an “intermittent internet connectivity problem.” There’s a possibility this is an ATT problem, but I won’t be able to find out until tomorrow, and it may take until Friday. So if there is any break in my activity here, that is the reason. Do not get concerned.
I will keep you updated tomorrow.
If anyone else is on ATT internet and having problems, let me know here.
UPDATE - all appears to be working normally this morning, which leads me to conclude it was indeed an ATT problem last night.
Tom, I am looking at AT&T's outage map for the LA area. There is a large cluster of outages in So Cal, from Thousand Oaks down to Mexico border. Landlines are a small cluster in the middle, Internet is wide spread. Landline info says "cable damage" or similar. Time here is half past midnight in Central Time.
footnote: I clicked on several marker dots to see what they said for the "landline" outages -- time to repair varied with each one, from "unknown", to tomorrow, and one said January (some smart@$$ no doubt).
Here is the site I used: https://att.com/outages/
The eve is a bad time to have any kind of unsolvable problem. I used to have problems with ATT's Uverse, so I dropped them. Good luck, Tom. Don't fret, we can wait until Friday.