I just happened to take a look at the recent subscription history for TAFM and they say there have been zero new paid subscribers in the past 30 days. Since that coincides with the changes here to attract new paid subscribers, I’m curious to find out what I am not doing that if I changed would get you free subscribers to reconsider becoming paid subscribers.
I’m going to leave this post open to everyone to post on today, and I look forward to reading your thoughts. This place is only as good as what I do that interests you, so I’d really like to know what you’d like to see more/less of.
I’m out today, so I’ll read this later this afternoon and respond to posts.
Thanks in advance for your contribution.
You can support That’s Another Fine Mess with a paid subscription for only $7/month or $70/year.
Comments on this post are open to everyone.
I'm a paid-up guy, but I will hazard a guess: competition. I have many more free subscriptions than paid, and if I ponied up for all of them, I'd be homeless. Substack can be an embarrassment of riches, in that there are many good writers reminding me that the monthly price is like, a coffee at Starbucks, and wondering why I haven't signed on.
There is a small mountain of cantaloupes in the market, and I love cantaloupe, but I can only buy one at a time. Maybe two.
Your newsletter is very good, Tom. Your output is prodigious and consistently high-quality, but it's a crowded marketplace, and many of your fellow writers ask the same questions you have.
Thanks to all for the comments. Given the common complaint of funds - something we Aulds do have to keep an eye on - I will make sure to provide free posts so you guys don't get left out. I totally understand that situation.
As to the "name calling," I am sorry but there are times when those people are very damn lucky they are not within grabbing range of me. So the names are better than getting arrested for attempted assault (or actual if I got lucky). You can tell how pissed off I am by how creative I get with the "nicknames." And Marjorie Traitor Goon will always be that because she is 100% a traitor and 100% a goon - the low-level people paid to cause trouble.