The Cretin News Network, mired in third place in the ratings and in danger of dropping to fourth place behind NewsMax, took an hour tonight to deliver “ratings” to their corporate overlord, “Reality” TV King David Zaslav. They did it by allowing anyone who could stomach looking to see that the monster known as Donald J. Trump has no “bottom,” that there is no line he will not cross repeatedly, that there is no proven lie he will not continue to spew, that he is not only completely and totally unfit to hold any office or position of responsibility, but is incapable of achieving the minimum behavior standards for inclusion as a member of the species.
And as he did all that, the lifetime losers, the escapees from Flyover Loserville, the senile old white male boomers who were fuckwits when I knew them 60 years ago in high school, are actually all worse than he is; they are people completely bereft of any moral sensibility, so mired in ignorance, mendacity and maliciousness, whose malign view of the world is so skewed, that they laughed and applauded the serial lies and threats to the country they claim to love that were spewed by the monster who sat in front of them.
Asked if he owed Mike Pence an apology for January 6, Trump launched into an attack on Pence, justifying the cries of the insurrectionist mob he called into existence that day to “Hang Mike Pence!” by claiming Pence didn’t “do the right thing,” “He could have sent the votes back to the states, he had the power to do that, and we would have had a much different outcome!”
And the audience of mental defectives applauded that.
Asked if he would recognize the result of the 2024 election regardless of the outcome, he refused to say he would. Just as he refused to say he would recognize the result in 2016 and 2020 unless he was declared the winner.
And the audience of moral defectives applauded that.
Asked about the judgement yesterday in the civil trial in New York, he again declared he didn’t know who E. Jean Carroll is, and then proceeded to defame her anew by calling her a ‘whack job” and then accusing her of being a “bad person” because “who would invite a man into a dressing room of a major department store in New York?”
And the audience of malicious morons laughed and applauded.
When he declared that he would pardon the January 6 insurrectionists, who he declared were all patriotic Americans upset at “losing our country,” almost including the Proud Boys and the Oath Keeper - the convicted seditionists - on the list of those whose crimes against the country he took an oath to protect he would pardon, the audience cheered and applauded.
The only people worse than the monster Trump are the 74 million who are so debased, so depraved, so lacking in all morality and intelligence, who voted for him after watching his assault on the United States and American society, the 74 million who support him for hating the people they hate.
These people see every crime he commits and applaud him. There will never be forgiveness for any of them, no “De-Trumpization” program that can restore them to participation in civilized society. That they have done what they have done over these past eight years since the monster first came down his golden escalator is proof they never were who any of us thought they were.
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Immune, unsurprised after that town meeting? He did seem worse to me. Even less in control. Absolutely frantic. Maybe he believes his lies...more completely than ever before? He's in a hole but so is America. Many of us say there are more of us...more Americans still living in reality. The disease of fascism is here. It's in the bloodstream. Yes, I'm still asking where the Justice Department has been in terms of the big fish? Do I think the neat WH press releases of Biden's good works penetrate the skin, let alone the will of the people? Who and what can galvanize this country? There is a lot of shit hitting the fan, including Climate Change and a destroyed public education system. It's not over, but we have get the engine of Democracy started.
Wonderfully put, but as Vin Scully used to say on Dodger broadcasts, "An asterisk and a footnote." The "reporters" at the Cretin News Network are supposed to know better. John Roberts of Fux Noise was supposed to know better when he was Dan Rather's heir apparent at CBS News (for all the post-Rather trouble they had, imagine that lackwit as anchor there). Carl Hulse and Peter Baker at The Times and Ashley Parker and Dan Balz at The Post and the network people are all supposed to know better. And they continue to treat this failure as a human being and his supporters as though they are loyal Americans who should be taken seriously. They only way in which they should be taken seriously is as the traitors and fascists they are.