Warning: There’s a lot of damn cursing ahesad, because that’s what one is reduced to when dealing with the desecration of a place of national honor by a motherfucking piece of shit unworthy to polish the shoes of any of those there.
Arlington National Cemetery is the final resting place of all those who Donald Trump will never understand, those of whom he once asked his then Cief of Staff Marine General John Kelly, “I don’t get it - what was in it for them?”
Arlington has a rule against “partisan activity”:
“2.) Partisan activities are inappropriate in Arlington National Cemetery, due to its role as a shrine to all the honored dead of the Armed Forces of the United States and out of respect for the men and women buried there and for their families. Services or any activities inside the Cemetery connected therewith shall not be partisan in nature. A service is partisan and therefore inappropriate if it includes commentary support of, or in opposition to, or attempts to influence any current policy of the Armed Forces, the Government of the United States or any state of the United States; if it endorses the cause of a political party or if it has a primary purpose to gain publicity or engender support for any cause. If a service is closely related, both time and location, to partisan activities or demonstrations being conducted outside the Cemetery, it will be determined partisan and therefore inappropriate. If a service is determined to be partisan by the Executive Director, permission to conduct memorial services or ceremonies at the Cemetery will be denied.”
So of course the five time draft-dodging asswipe coward and traitor Trump (The daughters of a Queens foot doctor say their late father diagnosed President Donald Trump with bone spurs to help him avoid the Vietnam War draft as a “favor” to his father Fred Trump) went there and pissed on Arlington National Cemetery and everything it stands for.
Standing there like he’s ready to fall over in one of his potato sack suits with that shiteating fucking moron look and his tiny damn thumb (that’s bigger than his “mushroom,” according to eyewitness Stormy Daniels) up.
He’s invited Russian spies to hang out in the Oval Office where he gave them secret information that compromised an ally. He’s pardoned worthless war criminals who dishonored their uniforms. He’s denigrated heroes.
Because that’s what an ignorant goddamned motherfucking moron piece of shit Putin-loving traitor does. There are more than 400 Medal of Honor recipients interred there, and everybody knows that stupid medal is no big deal since the ones who get it are either all shot up or dead, and they don’t look anywhere near as great as whichever proof that inherited wealth should be illegal who gave the worthless goddamned con artist money last time around so he could denigrate the Presidential Medal of Freedom by handing one out to them, like the racist radio host whose name will not be written here he gave one to in the middle of the State of the Union address.
So, no big deal that he does this, right? As a commenter at another site noted, everybody knows a cemetery’s nothing special - shit, you can bury your ex-wife on your fucking golf course and get a tax write-off.
This sociopath went there so he could pretend to care about the soldiers who were suckers and losers enough to get killed during the United States' withdrawal from its Afghanistan adventure. And in so doing he turned the survivors of those soldiers into props for his failing political campaign. They were conned into thinking they would get notice for the pain of their loss if a presidential candidate was there with them. As with everyone else stupid enough to think they will get anything of value from being around Donnie Fucking Dimwit, they will get nothing in return from this appearance. (If the families found any kind of peace in his presence, I respect that and I hope it brings them solace.)
He went there to repeat what he posted on Truth (anti)Social:
“This is the third anniversary of the BOTCHED Afghanistan withdrawal, the most EMBARRASSING moment in the history of our Country. Gross Incompetence – 13 DEAD American soldiers, hundreds of people wounded and dead, AMERICANS and BILLIONS OF DOLLARS OF MILITARY EQUIPMENT LEFT BEHIND.You don’t take our soldiers out first, you take them out LAST, when all else is successfully done. Russia then invaded Ukraine, Israel was aacked, and the USA became, and is, a laughing stock all over the World.”
“A service is partisan and therefore inappropriate if it includes commentary support of, or in opposition to, or attempts to influence any current policy of the Armed Forces, the Government of the United States or any state of the United States; if it endorses the cause of a political party or if it has a primary purpose to gain publicity or engender support for any cause.”
And just for the hell of it, let’s recall that it was Donnie Douchebag who “negotiated” the surrender of Afghanistan to the Taliban.
His presence there was an obscenity.
And then this semiliterate addlebrained shitbird went to speak to the National Guard Association, where he continued his bullshit about NATO “owing” the United States (Warning: “Sir” story ahead) - Fat Elvis replaying one of his Big Hits (off-key):
“...but one of the leaders stood up and said ‘Sir, does that mean’ — he wasn’t paid, he owed us billions — ‘does that mean if we don’t pay you, you’re not going to defend us against Russia?’ I said, “That’s what it means. Are you saying you’re delinquent? Well, I don’t know about that word, it’s a real estate word, a very simple word, it means you’re not paid. You’re saying you’re delinquent?’. ‘Yes, sir, let’s say we’re delinquent, will you defend us?’ I said ‘absolutely not.’”
I just want this seditionist national threat to Make America Great Again with his permanent departure. Which can’t happen too damn soon.
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So....who DID allow Trump access top the cemetery??? I cannot tell you how mad this makes me.
From Mary Trump - a little background on her uncle's dislike of those who serve:
The fact that Donald is speaking in front of the National Guard Association is particularly galling. You see, Donald’s disrespect of American troops began in the early 1960s in a very personal way. My father, Freddy, who completed Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) when he was an undergrad at Lehigh University, entered the Air Force National Guard as a second lieutenant after graduation.
One weekend a month he reported to the Armory in Manhattan and for two weeks a year he reported to Fort Drum in upstate New York. As John F. Kennedy escalated America’s involvement in the Vietnam War, my parents worried that my father would be called up—they worried because if he had been called to serve, he would have served.
My dad was the exception in my family: My great-grandfather left Germany to avoid military service; my grandfather, thirty-six years old when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, did not volunteer to serve in World War II. Donald received four deferments based on a false diagnosis of bone spurs engineered by his father.
Freddy was proud of his service, but rarely spoke of it, because nobody else in the family cared. My grandfather, in fact, had no respect for my dad’s National Guard service at all. Anything that took attention and effort away from the family business—whether serving his country or flying 707s for TWA at the height of the jet age as my dad did—was beneath Fred Trump, Sr.’s contempt. Donald, seeing the first of many openings to displace his older brother as their father’s successor, followed suit.