We’re three weeks in - I know, it feels like three decades - and we have already arrived at the “constitutional crisis” phase of things.
Right now, things are on a knife’s edge: a majority of the faithful in MAGA will support anything he does; every Republican in the House and Senate is under Dilbert’s control to a greater or lesser degree. And a clear majority of the non-MAGA public is opposed to this.
Paul Rieckhoff put it clearly on Friday: we cannot wait for the mid-terms; what we do now will govern what happens in those elections. What we do now will determine if those elections are held.
The first thing we have to do is lose our fear of Dilbert. If you can’t do that, then “act as if.”
He may seem like the Antichrist, but his power is as much a mirage as was that of the Wizard of Oz. He most definitely wants you to “pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.”
Dan Pfeiffer wrote, “If you break with conventional wisdom and look at the details of Trumps’ first two weeks the picture that emerges is a lame-duck president unable to execute on fairly simple tasks and too weak to get Congress to pass his agenda. Instead, he is relying on a series of legally dubious executive orders that resemble press releases more than policy documents. In his first two weeks, he has made countless errors, backed down from fights he picked, and been rebuked by the courts. Don’t buy his strongman schtick.”
The overwhelming majority of political stories that have been written by access media reporters from oligarch-owned media corporations since January 20 is that Dilbert is “winning” and accomplishing things. John F. Harris, founding editor of Politico, gushed that he is “the greatest American figure of his era”:
“It is now simply an objective description about the dimensions of his record. He began a decade ago by dominating the Republican Party. He soon advanced to dominating every discussion of American politics broadly. Now, his astonishing comeback after his defeat by Joseph Biden in 2020 and the notoriety of the Jan. 6, 2021, riot makes clear [he] is someone with an ability to perceive opportunities that most politicians do not and forge powerful, sustained connections with large swaths of people in ways that no contemporary can match. In other words: He is a force of history.”
That. Is. Total. Bullshit.
What control he has taken control of has been accomplished through the fear of him on the part of the billionaire owners of the major media. What they have been preaching is a gospel of nonsense.
Dilbert is not winning; the United States is not winning; you are not winning; his voters are not winning; destabilizing relations with Canada for nothing is not winning; destabilizing relations with the EU and Denmark is not winning; threatening to invade Panama is not winning; proclaiming American dominion over Gaza is not winning.
All that is the opposite of winning.
Believing otherwise is choosing to live in Upside-Down World.
As stupid, ignorant, and dumbassed as Dilbert is, he is still extremely dangerous. He will take actions that cause irreparable damage to our constitutional democratic republic.
Dilbert and his crew of traitors have declared war on Every Good Thing America Is About.
They are pissing on the Declaration of Independence: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed... “
They are shitting on the Constitution: “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”
Dilbert and his crew of traitors are as dedicated to the destruction of the United States as were the Confederate traitors who fired on Fort Sumter 164 years ago.
The federal courts have started to respond to Elon Musk’s illegal attack on federal agencies and programs like USAID.This is going to create a real litmus test for the survival of our democracy.
Much of what Trump and Elon are doing is so flagrantly illegal, it is hard to imagine much of it surviving judicial review, even at the Supreme Court level.
So far the judiciary has indeed started to throw sand into the Maladministration II gears. A mix of federal judges appointed by Reagan, Biden, Clinton and Obama have blocked the rollback of birthright citizenship, the executive order requiring incarcerated trans women to be transferred to male facilities, the federal funding freeze, the Dodgy Department’s breaching of the Treasury Department payment system and temporarily extended the deadline by which federal workers must decide if they’ll take the “buyout.”
The optimistic take to this is that it still matters, even if the Supreme Court hands down any reversals in the coming months. A major part of revving up opposition to Dilbert depends on having time to tell people what he and Elmo are doing; courts are a critical impediment there, slowing things down as Elmo, in particular, tries to move fast and break things.
But it is clear what the intended goal is: Corporal Couchfuck said it clearly in a post on Xitter (That’s “shitter”) this morning after U.S. District Judge Paul Engelmayer’s Friday ruling that the Treasury Department should block access to anyone “other than civil servants with a need for access to perform their job duties” from its payment systems, stating further that anyone who is now blocked must immediately destroy any material they’ve already downloaded. . : “If a judge tried to tell a military general how to conduct a military operation, that would be illegal. If a judge tried to tell the attorney general how to use her prosecutorial discretion, that’s also illegal. Judges aren’t allowed to control the executive’s legitimate power.” He said this, despite graduating from Yale Law School in 2013, where presumably he did take Constitutional Law 101 in First Year.
New Jersey Attorney General Matt Platkin, who brought the lawsui said: “To be clear: the Judge ordered Elon and the DOGE bros to delete any data they illegally acquired since Trump took office. We are going to make sure they comply. Billionaires don't get to write their own rules.”
What followed Couchfuck’s Lies was proof that the MAGAS party is expressly opposed to the Constitution of the United States:
Senator Should Have Been Fragged In Iraq Tom Cotton: “Outrageous. Obama Judge Engelmayer didn’t just bar Musk and DOGE from Treasury systems, he barred the Sec of the Treasury himself. Without citing a single law or even allowing Trump admin to appear in court! This outlaw should be reversed immediately and Engelmayer should be forbidden by higher courts from ever hearing another case against the Trump admin.”
MarjorieTeenage Mutant Ninja Traitor Goon: “We need to impeach rogue judges.”
Convicted thief Darrell Issa: “I’m immediately introducing legislation next week to stop these rogue judges and allow Trump and DOGE to tell you where government is spending your money.”
Well-known Konztitooshinul Skolar Senator Mike Lee: “This sounds like a good time to file a petition for an extraordinary writ of mandamus. Here, it’d be a way of seeking immediate, judicial relief from an order issued by a judge who has severely abused his discretion.”
And everyone’s favorite Unreconstructed Afrikaner Shithead - who never graduated from any of the schools he’s claimed he did - demonstrated that he definitely must have paid someone to take his citizenship test f or him: “I’d like to propose that the worst 1% of appointed judges, as determined by elected bodies, be fired every year. This will weed out the most corrupt and least competent.” What. A. Tool.
Senator Chris Murphy put things in perspective: "I think this is the most serious constitutional crisis the country has faced, certainly since Watergate. The president is attempting to seize control of power, and for corrupt purposes. He's trying to crush his opposition. This is a red alert moment. Our democracy is at risk."
Murphy also reported about the order to the Trumpscum to stop blocking spending: Murphy: "I continue to get reports from Connecticut that agencies there, like Head Start programs and community health centers, are actually not receiving the funding they are due. So I think there's a big question as to whether the administration actually is implementing the court order."
Of course, what we are talking about is so far beyond “the executive’s legitimate power” that we’re not in the same universe with that. However, given that a majority of Americans have no understanding of what is in the Constitution and how it works to provide the government they have grown up with, and cannot read and comprehend on a fifth grade level, a majority is likely to go along with what Corporal Couchfuck has said, since it sounds “logical” to them - even though it defies constitutional logic.
How MAGA responds to those Court rulings against Dilbert will determine whether we remain a nation of laws, or not. The one piece of good news at this point is that support for Elmo’s Children’s Crusade and their lawless intervention into our personal data among MAGA/GOP voters has dropped from 47% at the outset and is now down to 26% in under two weeks; that is what is known as “a precipitous drop.” Overall, just 13 percent of Americans want Elmo to have “a lot” of influence on Maladministration II, while 25 percent say they want “a little” influence and 46 percent say they want “none at all.”
Fortunately, Elmo is the weak spot of Maladministration II. What he and his Children’s Brigade of Teenage Mutant Ninja Basement Dwellers have done since the Friday before last has forced the Press Corpse to confront the truth of what is happening, and that has forced the voting public to take notice if only out of worry for Mom’s Social Security, the security of their bank accounts, and the timely arrival of their tax rebates.
These are the people Phil Ochs had in mind 60 years ago: “ten degrees to the left of center in good times; ten degrees to the right of center if it affects them personally.”
Right now, Elmo is exposed; he is out of position and in political free fall. Brain addled and strung out on Ketamine, the Second-biggest Ignoramus in America demonstrates clearly that he is - after Dlibert - the greatest traasonous threat to the basic well-being of the country (and is only #2 because Dilbert holds the presidency). He is no longer seen by the public as some kind of genius; he’s now proven himself the moron he always was. Never the “Chief Engineer” of anything, he was never more than just another takeover artist, pushing out the real creators and stealing their credit for himself.
A large majority of Americans now see him for the dangerous dimwit he is, a drug-fueled ignoramus with no clue what he is doing, and thus able to smash things like a child who doesn’t recognize what he has in his hand that he’s about to throw against the wall is an irreplaceable antique jewel
What our broken media cannot see is that Dilbert is in danger of falling over because he leaned over too far while holding on to the dead weight now tipping him over and weighing him down: the world’s richest child, who has emasculated Dilbert by making his puppet sing for all to see.
There is a paradox that Democrats should exploit, which is that as Musk’s popularity falls, the faith and extremism of his techno fascist base will harden and rise. Their resentments and grievances will grow as their defenestration looms. Their threats against Dilbert will grow and deepen as they are cut loose like latter day Ernst Röhms, used up, thrown away and forgotten as the glorious MAGA era marches forward.
The goal of the Democratic Party in this moment should be singular at a political level: expediting the arrival of the inevitable showdown that requires Dilbert to signal “him or me.” “Prersdient Elmo” should be heard more often in Washington.
There is a story about power and politics that would be good for Elmo to be reminded of because it portends his metaphorical end:
When Saddam Hussein took power in a coup, he shot Adnan Hamdani, his best friend and co-conspirator, in the head. He next called on the widow of the man to whom he was godfather of their children, to thank him for his service to Iraq. He explained that everyone would understand that if he would kill someone whom he loved for no reason at all, he would kill anyone for any reason at any time. Iraq was Saddam and Saddam was Iraq; any attack on either was an attack on both, so both needed to be deterred by violence.
Make sense? This was also why Hitler had the Night of the Long Knives.
Right now, Elmo has no shame in using the platform of his private business for even more personal leverage in Maladministration II. Should he have a future dispute with anyone in MAGA, for instance, his 216 million followers give him an advantage in shaping the narrative in his favor; they all believe him. He has the power to destroy the reputation of anyone he wishes. He has more followers than Dilbert. This makes him an intolerable threat to Dilbert. Like Hitler fearing the SA had become too powerful ordering the SS to murder Ernst Röhm and his allies, Dilbert will come to that point with Elmo. The only question is when.
A harsh reality has emerged for everyone in Maladministration II, from Dilbert on down: What Elmo is saying without saying it is: This is my administration; you’re just working in it.They didn’t spend $290 million to buy the election. And by doing that, Elmo purchased the ability to run Maladministration II. All the people who don’t own a company that builds self-crashing cars, and read the European news of Tesla’s fall in fortune with the dawning knowledge that soon their tormentor will be vulnerable, make him a marked man.
But we cannot let them emerge from that coming power struggle seen as the heroes who vanquished the monster who tried to steal Social Security. They are Enemies of Elmo, not the Saviors of the People. Until the people who have never protested before start showing up in the streets, knowing who their enemy really is, there is little Democrats can do to slow Dilbert.
Though it will hurt us all financially, Dilbert’s tariff plans - which he appears still committed to doing regardless of the smoke that Mexico and Canada blew up his ass last Monday - may be our only hope. In 1932, the American people had experienced so much pain they were willing to ignore 50 years of Republican bullshit and vote in their own real self-interest.
Senator Cory Booker has good advice for t his situation: “Trump is making a deliberate attempt to overwhelm the system, and to overwhelm you. It can be difficult to keep up. And that’s by design. But we can keep up – and respond. Trump's attempt to flood the zone is not a sign of strength – it’s an attempt to project strength, and to convince you that he’s more powerful than he is. Don’t let him. Stand up, speak out, and remember that democracy depends on those who refuse to be silenced.”
Here we go, into the fourth decade of Maladministration II. Your rupport as a paid subscriber allow That’s Another Fine Mess to keep up the opposition to these traitors. It’s only $7/month or $70/year.
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I'm leaving messages about Musk every day. Today it was Tom Cotton and John Fetterman. We can't let up. Vance also needs targeting.
Attended a rally sponsored by Indivisible Santa Barbara. Approximately 1,000 people showed up filling the venue and leaving an addition 300-400 people attending in the courtyard. Congressman Salud Carbajal and other current and past State and local representatives spoke. One speaker, Santa Barbara County Supervisor Laura Capps made clear the difference between Us and Them:
"In the face of Chaos, we offer clear-eyed vision.
While they spread hate, we spread hope.
While they spread racism we spread respect.
While they spread fear, we spread facts.
While they spread division, we spread determination.
They are led by a convicted felon, we are led by conviction and faith."
These are our responses!