The fact all the crying that Biden’s too old and should quit now comes from the over-educated under-intelligent otherwise-unemployables of the Press Corpse and their allies among the heads-up-their-asses Democratic Wrong should tell anyone how bad the idea is.
This proposed “Biden statement” just arrived in my in-box from Robert Kuttner of The American Prospect, and is far more intelligent and good advice to all:
“My friends, like anyone who follows the media, I’m well aware that a lot of Americans and even many Democrats think I will be too old to run again in 2024. That issue will sort itself out in due course.
For now, we have a more immediate and urgent election to think about. We should not be distracting ourselves with conjectures about a decision that my party will make in democratic fashion more than two years from now.
“As recent Supreme Court rulings show, underscored by new revelations by the January 6th Committee and reports of widespread voter suppression, one of our two major parties has stopped believing in democracy. Most Republicans in Congress defended President Trump’s clumsy efforts to cling to power as a dictator. Most cheered the Court ruling denying women basic reproductive rights and exposing our schoolchildren to gruesome murder by military-style automatic weapons.
“Right now, nothing is more important than electing good Democrats this fall and keeping Republicans from controlling Congress. I am not on the ballot in November. To the extent that attention focuses on me and speculation about 2024, especially on the part of Democrats, we divert vital energy from this year’s more urgent business.
“Whatever my own political future, I will be fine. It’s far more important that America be fine.”
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I get. I really do. Even looking to the mid terms the msm is burying Biden. After four years of the biggest clusterfuck in US history ( and that's saying something with slavery, genocide, misogyny, etc. Oh, that's today too), there are so many of us that want the dems to come out kicking the shit out of the traitors. AOC and The Squad, etc. And we're stuck with Sinema and Manchin. I hate this party because it can't organize a one car funeral.
Look, Im glad I voted for Joe and every democrat since 1974, but shit is not the same. Name me one fucking Democratic leader that frightens the traitors. I'm waiting.
We don't need someone as stupid to be our Ted Cruz/Bitch McConnell. We need someone with their fucking attitude, but only used for good. And if a dem steps out of line they get the AOC treatment instead of kudos for thinking of the future and the future of her party and people.
Biden will be too old to run in 24. Thems the facts. Tangerine Nightmare won't run. But that party will put up a mini me, younger, more awful, no morals, ethics, empathy for anyone who's not a vampire billionaire.
I don't want someone to hold my hand. I want them to drop my hand and slap the shit out of Gym Jordan
Damn fucking right I'm pissed. Just look at the last week of June.
We get a lame attempt at gun control. After Highland Bitch said to expect no more legislation on gun control.
If that doesn't get motherfuckers out of the house and vote blue straight through, maybe we get what we deserve. Jesus, we're pussies.
It's avoidance behavior for a lot of them. Writing and talking about irrelevancies means they can file their 500 words, gin up some response and not have to research anything that might involve actual work.