So, I just watched Kamala Harris walk off stage from the most enthusiastic political rally I’ve seen. As in ever.
Her “stump speech” is now a call-and-response with the audience. When she said “We’re not going back!” the crowd erupted in the chant. “WE’RE NOT GOING BACK!” It was a wave of sound.
Each of the campaign’s policy points - the call for the restoration of Roe v Wade and promise to sign it into law, the call for saving Medicare and the ACA, the call for red flag laws and an assault weapons ban, the call for voter protection - each of those received a thunderous response.
There’s no defensiveness in the speech. She reclaims patriotism - “The defense of freedom that our ancestors answered is now in our hands.”
A new point was calling out Trump for backing away from a debate, looking directly in the camera and saying “If you’ve got something to say about me, Donald, SAY IT TO MY FACE!” The crowd roared for that.
The energy in the space was palpable. The message is direct and forthright.
This is what winning looks like. This is a sprint to victory that shows every evidence of going the distance.
This is what I’ve wanted to see from a Democrat since 1968.
I’d like to thank the many readers of That’s Another Fine Mess who have stepped up to become paid subscribers - it’s now up to five a day from two a day over the past two weeks. The enthusiasm momentum of the campaign has spread through all of us. Your support allows me to concentrate on this work.
Comments are for paid subscribers.
And just think… Joe picked her as his running mate. And a week ago Sunday he forged this path. They did it together. And we witnessed a swell, which became this sea change! WE’RE NOT GOING BACK! Phenomenal!
Thanks, Tom, it sounds like Kamala gave another great and stirring speech. She's in full control of her destiny now. Something I've always admired about her. When she's got the bit in her teeth, as she does now it will be a full out run to victory.